Understated talent, warmth, humour and kindness

Created by Eilis 10 months ago

As a child I remember so many times when Colm was simply there - if you were upset or something had gone wrong, he would try and find a solution. If you did anything well Colm was the first to congratulate you and make you feel special. He never sang his own praises and yet he was a really talented person, intellectually, musically - in every way. He was always happy to stay in the background and allow others to take centre stage.
He brought to our family another sister, his wife Chris, who is just like Colm, kind, understated and always there, so we thank him for that also.
Our son, Colm, was named after Colm in thanks for all his helpfulness at that time. In order to avoid confusion, we called our son 'Little Colm' and my brother Colm 'Big Colm'.  'Little Colm' eventually grew to be taller than ‘Big Colm', but the name stuck and as a role model and in stature, there was never any question that ‘Big Colm' was still the right title for him. 'Big Colm' often collected 'Little Colm' to stay in Chelmsford where he had a wonderful time playing with his cousins, especially Abbie, who is the same age.as him. 'Little Colm' has very fond memories of those days and he and Abbie remain close to this day. 
'Big Colm' was so modest I doubt he ever had an inkling how special and how loved he was to so many people. I know that, like me, others will be reflecting on how much they will miss the firm foundation this kind, talented, humorous man brought to their lives. Rest in Peace wonderful brother.